Come wht may.........Wht may come??????

It was a Sunday evening. Jai and I were incited by the free roads and speeding our way for our 9 o'clock show to watch The Pursuit of Happiness at INOX....Yes, the roads were empty but that does not mean we can break the rules. I am definitely not giving you gyan out here but Zoooooom....... came in the middle of the road a cyclist whistling to glory from the insides of a small path and we had to screech our breaks in order to avoid an awuful accident that could have taken place. Truly people got to change their attitude from Come What May to What May Come......


Anonymous said…
Pon Sir writes

Taurean, You are Trampling with higher end of english. Iam amazed whenever you are singing a pop songs along with proper lyric pronounsation. Could you share the contact details of your English Teacher? ;)

Yahhhoo, u r melting like a broken ChocoBar.

Looking forward more "Tramplings".
hehehehe!!!!!!!!!geezzzzz thanks for the flying!!!!!ma teacher is ma brother jaivijai.yo!!!!!this is his number him anytime for gyan......:)))
Unknown said…
While reading the posts I'm remimded of my school days, when I sit in the garden under my favourite mango tree and read Gokulam and Tinkle with a pack of potato chips enjoying life to its fullest in my own way .... these posts are so sweet ... continue the Gr888 job !!!

--- Dana Fernando
Thank you baby doll......Your thoughts make me happy and sure would keep me going....Umwaaaahhh.....Soon I should write one about you and me together times .......Hehehehe .....U will love it..lolzzzzzzzz

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