
Showing posts from February, 2008



Beyond me....

When I learnt u did not belong to me I told myself it's not difficult for me to forget us...It's 3 days and only now I have come to realize that it's beyond me. I am not able to overcome my feelings for you. My heart feels so heavy, my eyes r filled with tears, my arms r dying 2 hold u. My lonliness kills me :( Every night I press my head into the pillow to help myself from not choking from the tears that clog ma soul. This did not have to end. Atleast did not have to end this way. Pinching the soul and betrayal to the trust has left me without any hope in life. We could have broken up in a better way. We could have parted ways as good friends. We could have spoken it out. How was it possible for you to abruptly keep a full stop to this 6 yr affair. How did she become all that you wanted in such a short span. We were so much meaningful for each other. We meant the world to each other and now someone new has taken all the place. Anyways itz beyond me to understand what has g