Taurean Priya and Arien Shakti...

The Aries - Taurus relationship represents balance. The impetuous Aries is always leading the way, while the more stable Taurus ensures that the relationship remains steady. This is a contrasting but mutually complimentary relationship that teaches them a great deal. Taurus is an earth sign, solid and dependable, while Aries is a fire sign, impulsive and assertive. Occasionally, Aries may try to goad the reserved Taurus parent into making a hasty decision but the parent is able to soothe the impetuous child. Sometimes the Aries child may find the parent a little possessive and restrictive if his/her independent spirit and the need for freedom are being curbed. Aries infuses dynamism into the family, while Taurus provides stability and security. The Aries child will have to learn to live with the Taurus stubbornness, and must realise that once the parent has made a decision, it is firm. Aries has much to learn from Taurus: the lessons of patience and co-ordination. Both parent and child are devoted to each other and provide solid support in times of need.


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